Planning Reforms

The State Government's new Planning and Design Code

As of 31 July 2020 the Planning and Design Code has replaced every Council’s Development Plan.  The new Code brings significant change to the way new development proposals are handled and the type/scale of development that is allowed in certain areas.

The Planning and Design Code is a State Government initiative and more information on this can be found at

NOTE: The process of change to the planning system is under the control of the Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure (DPTI) and the State Planning Commission.

The new planning system has been initiated by the State Government and impacts Council and our community in a number of ways, including:-

  • the introduction of a single development plan for the whole State which replaces existing individual Council development plans.  It's called the Planning and Design Code.
  • a more standardised approach – the Planning and Design Code will substantially reduce the total number of planning zones across the State;
  • Council will no longer be a decision-maker in developing and applying planning policy, but rather will be an influencer of State Government;
  • is a “one-stop-shop” for information, online services (including lodging applications) and community participation in the planning system and is managed by the State Government