CEO Statement on North Parklands Forum Postponement (19 Sept, 2022)

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19 Sept, 2022

CEO Statement on North Parklands Forum Postponement

“We have received questions from the media and the general public today on the postponement of Mr Robert Moore’s North Parklands development proposal forum, which was planned for this Wednesday 21 September 2022.

"For clarity, Council has not postponed Mr Moore’s planned forum, and that is a decision solely for Mr Moore to take as a private developer.

"Council’s resolutions and direction made at its 23 August 2022 Council Meeting were:

  1. That Council, in line with community feedback obtained through the North Parklands Community Engagement, retain the North Parklands land uses as currently exists with no change to current land use and dedications.
  2. That Council:
    1. Provide comment to the State Government regarding the unsolicited development proposal, that Council is not supportive of the proposal, and that recognising community feedback received, our preference is for existing community use of the North Parklands to be retained.
    2. Provide the State Government with the correspondence in relation to the North Parklands from the South-eastern Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Recovery Team and Native Orchid Society of South Australia, in addition to the Council’s full community consultation report.
  3. That Council undertake further discussion with the State Government to explore information on possible purchase of all or part of North Parklands, including any cost implications, conditions of sale, and other matters to enable further consideration by Council.
  4. That Council undertake a master planning project for the whole of the North Parklands area, with funding required to undertake this to be included in Council’s 2023/24 Budget for consideration – with this process to include further community engagement.
  5. That Council thank the community for the extensive feedback provided to Council, and that a statement outlining Council’s position on the future use of North Parklands be provided to the general community.
  6. That Council seek a suitably qualified consultant to do a full biological survey (involving both flora and fauna) of the North Parklands to provide Council with a baseline understanding of the area’s natural values.

"Council has subsequently advised the Deputy Premier (and Minister for Climate, Environment & Water) of the above, and have also in turn advised Mr Moore of that action and our position.”

- Naracoorte Lucindale Council CEO Trevor Smart

Further background information on the North Parklands community consultation is available on our website:

  • Previous Media Releases relating to the North Parklands community consultation can be revisited on the 'Media Releases' page on our website by CLICKING HERE.
  • The North Parklands Detailed Survey Report from the community consultation which ran from 2 May - 10 June can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.

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