Kerbside Waste and Recycling Collection

All bins are collected by Envirotec SE Pty Ltd.  On your collection day you are requested to have your bins on the kerb by 7.00am.

Weekly - Collections for General Household Waste (Red lidded)

Fortnightly - Recycling (Yellow lidded) and on the alternate fortnight Green Organics (Green lidded)

Click the following link to view the kerbside collection calendar:

Kerbside Collection Calendar 2023-2024

Residents within Council's waste levy area are provided with a three-bin kerbside waste and recycling collection service for general household waste, recycling and green waste.

It is important that only appropriate materials are placed into your recycling and green waste bins.  Unsuitable materials can contaminate the load which may result in the entire truckload going to landfill, instead of being processed for reuse.  This costs the community money and a valuable renewable resource is lost.

The three-bin system is monitored with audits being done on bins in consultation with the residents and giving feedback on their usage.  This is done in the form of an auditor checking the bins prior to emptying and reports being written for the resident.

Should residents have any questions or problems with the collection system, please contact Council.

You can download and print the A to Z Waste Disposal Guide from this link.

The Red Lidded Bin

This red bin is to be used for general household waste that cannot be placed in either the green organics bin or recycling bin. This bin will be collected every week.

Items include, but are not limited to:

  • Any remaining items that cannot be recycled or composted
  • Plastic bags, garbage bags, non-recyclable plastic and food packaging (eg chip packets)
  • Crockery, broken glass, mirrors, etc
  • Polystyrene, foam, cling film
  • Nappies
  • Ropes and hoses (neatly tied up)

Items that DO NOT belong in your General Waste Bin include:

  • All liquid waste, building and construction waste (including rocks and earth)
  • Hot ashes, hazardous or radioactive materials
  • Flares, ammunition or explosives
  • Medical waste
  • Automobile parts
  • Gas cylinders

The Yellow Lidded Bin

This bin is used for recycling. This is service is provided by Council to reduce the amount of waste being transported and buried in landfill and to reuse materials and resources to minimise damage to the environment. Collection for this bin is fortnightly.

When recycling, remove all lids from jars, bottles and containers. Rinse all containers and place them in the bin loose. Do not bundle newspaper, cardboard and magazines. Do not place recycling in plastic bags.

Items that you can put in your Recycling bin include:

  • Tins and cans (including aerosols)
  • All glass bottles and jars (rinsed and with lids off)
  • Paper and cardboard (newspapers, magazines, envelopes, junk mail, egg cartons, cardboard boxes – flattened)
  • Liquid paperboard cartons (eg juice & milk cartons – rinsed)
  • Aluminium and steel cans
  • Clean plant pots and seedling tubs
  • All rigid plastic containers (eg plastic drink bottles, detergent bottles, yoghurt, icecream and margarine containers – rinsed and lids off)
  • Empty pizza boxes, rinsed takeaway coffee cups
Small alkaline batteries can be recycled at the Council Office or Naracoorte Waste Transfer Station.


  • Do not bundle newspaper or cardboard
  • Do not put your recycling in plastic bags
  • Do not mix recyclables eg putting cans in boxes
  • No polystyrene

Recycling Tips

  • Hard, rigid plastic lids can be collected in a plastic bottle (such as a milk bottle) and placed in the recycling bin with the lid off
  • If you can scrunch a piece of plastic packaging in your hand it cannot be recycled and needs to be put into your red lidded bin
  • Remove all lids from jars, bottles and plastic containers before putting them in the bin
  • Rinse containers as necessary - save water, use leftover dishwater
  • Place all recyclables loose into the bin

The Green Lidded Bin

Bins with green lids are used for green organic waste. Collection for this bin is fortnightly.

This is service that is being provided by Council to reduce the amount of waste being transported and buried in landfill. Green organic waste, accounts for approximately half of the waste being transported from the Naracoorte Waste Transfer Station. This is a large cost to Council that is borne by the ratepayer. Reducing the amount of waste being transported to landfill will in turn reduce the costs for Council and provide additional environmental benefits.

To reduce contamination of the green waste, do not place plastic bags or use bin liners, soil, rocks, stones, bricks, plant pots, garden tools, garden hoses or irrigation systems in this bin.

The green waste collected will be mulched and placed into heaps for composting and utilised as either agricultural fertiliser or garden soil.

Products that you can put in your Green waste bin include:

  • Lawn clippings,
  • Small prunings and cuttings
  • Bark, small branches and twigs
  • Weeds
  • Seaweed
  • Cut flowers
  • Leaves and sweepings
  • Food scraps
  • Remember, your garden waste is a valuable resource used to make mulch, so do the right thing
  • Do not put materials in plastic bags or use bin liners
  • If you don’t have grass or garden clippings, line your bin with newspaper, it will prevent smelly residue build-up

Tips for Placing Your Bin and Reducing Waste

Tips for placing your bin

There should only ever be a maximum of two (2) bins out on any given collection day, general waste bin and either yellow recycling bin or green organics bin (see calendar).

  • Put the bins out by 7.00am on the day of pick up and bring them back in within 24 hours of pick up
  • Bins are required to be one (1) metre apart where possible and one (1) metre from surrounding
  • objects (such as poles, trees, cars, etc.) with plenty of clearance from overhead branches
  • Don’t put the bins behind parked cars
  • Place the right material in the right bin and
  • Ensure your bin is not packed too tightly and the bin lid is closed
Tips for reducing waste

You can reduce what goes into your waste bin by doing the following:

  • Avoid waste in the first place
    • Refuse junk mail if you don’t want to read it
    • Share magazines and newspapers or access them online or borrow from the library
  • Reduce what you throw away
    • Set up a compost bin and worm farm
    • Buy in bulk and products with minimal packaging
    • Repair before replacing
  • Reuse materials in an innovative way
    • Buy items in refillable containers
    • Reuse containers for storing food, pens, buttons, screws etc
  • Recycle products to save natural resources
    • Close the loop and buy recycled products
    • Use your recycling bin or your local recycling depot